About Our Logo

The logo for ‘Aha Kāne as an organization depicts a kāne, a kanaka maoli, shouldering the second of three stones that must be lifted by a single individual to start nā pā‘ani (the games) at the ‘Aha Kāne conferences. In this competition called hāpai pōhaku (boulder lifting), the first heavy stone must be lifted onto the shoulder. The second stone, unwieldy and awkwardly shaped, must also be heaved onto the shoulder. The last stone, largest of the trio, must be raised from the reclining state of Hina to the upright state of Kū. If no one is able to lift all three stones, then the games cannot be played. At the 2010 and 2012 conferences, Kaina Makua was the sole kāne who tried to and succeeded at lifting the stones. Kaina, a college graduate and kalo farmer from Kaua‘i, is recognized in the Hawaiian community as an exemplary representation of a modern kāne: a culturally knowledgeable, educated, robust, ‘olu‘olu family man. But hāpai pōhaku is not simply a demonstration of brute strength. Kāne must also lift pōhaku comprised of intangibles like family responsibility and commitment to bettering the community and be fully dedicated to bearing the weight of these important kuleana. Focus, discipline, strength of character—in addition to physical prowess—enabled Kaina to lift the stones. ‘Aha Kāne seeks to build up the positive image of kāne in modern-day Hawai‘i by providing cultural and educational experiences to help them become better fathers, husbands, sons, and community members who are grounded in their culture.
‘Aha Kāne extends a humble mahalo to Kaina Makua for allowing us to use his likeness to represent our organization. We also mahalo Kanai‘a Nakamura, graphic designer and Hawaiian musician, for creating the logo.